… why support a film
100% renewable energy for the entire world. Is that realistic? Many, who have looked at the issue briefly, would say it‘s “a far-off dream” or a “utopia”. However, the majority of humanity has never really considered the issue and does not know the endless potential of renewable energy. THE 4th REVOLUTION – Energy Autonomy is able to convince doubters and encourage millions with the energy transformation message. The film has already reached many with 130,000 cinema- goers in only 9 months, but that is supposed to only be the beginning. We would like to expand our network through various channels and carry it beyond the borders of Germany to the world. Of course, change starts with an idea.
The goal is directly reaching 50 million people with the project by the end of 2012. It is possible with your support! Therefore we are asking you!

Join us in the process of the 4th revolution worldwide and become
an eventpartner
a multiplicator
a sponsor
a patron
Please learn more about the possibilities to contribute in our project outline online and feel free to contact us any time.